Bliv klogere på racisme

Verden over demonstrerer folk lige nu for sorte menneskers rettigheder. Vi anbefaler bøger, artikler og film, der giver indblik i racismen.

Racisme og borgerrettigheder er kommet på alles læber. Den 25. maj døde 46-årige og afro-amerikanske George Floyd under en brutal anholdelse i den amerikanske storby Minneapolis. I mere end otte minutter blev han holdt nede af fire betjente, med blandt andet et knæ på halsen, mens han gentagne gange sagde ”I can’t breathe”, ”Jeg kan ikke trække vejret”. 

Videoen af den voldsomme anholdelse har pustet liv i bevægelsen Black Lives Matter. Hundredetusinder amerikanere har været på gaden i demonstrationer for lige rettigheder. Demonstrationerne har ført til politiske ønsker om reformering af politiet i flere amerikanske byer.

Samtidig har præsident Donald Trump støttet politiet og kaldt til ro og orden, mens alverdens medier har rapporteret om voldsom brug af magtmidler over for fredelige demonstranter og journalister. 

Der har også været støttedemonstrationer i mange lande. I søndags demonstrerede 15.000 i Københavns gader. Støttedemonstrationerne har også sat fokus på racisme og borgerrettigheder uden for USA.  

Lyt, lyt, lyt, lær

Det kan være svært at forstå eller måske endda tro på racismen, hvis man ikke selv har mærket den. Derfor er det vigtigste, man lige nu kan gøre, at læse og lytte en masse – allerhelst til sorte menneskers egne fortællinger.

Vi har fundet en række bøger, artikler og film, der kan gøre dig klogere på racisme:


Hurtige artikler

Du kan begynde med nogle lettilgængelige oversigtsartikler hos Faktalink:

Den amerikanske borgerretsbevægelse
Racisme i Danmark

Why I'm no longer

Læs de svære ord

Har du mod på at læse på engelsk – og mod på at blive udfordret som hvid – så vil vi virkelig anbefale:

Du finder begge bøger online på eReolen Global.

Se også vores mange andre boganbefalinger under artiklen.


James Baldwin


Film om racisme

Filmstriben anbefaler vi især dokumentaren ”I am not your negro” om forfatteren og samfundskritikeren James Baldwin, der arbejdede sammen med både Malcolm X, Medgar Evers og Martin Luther King, Jr.

Også en række spillefilm hos Filmstriben har racisme som tema:


Vi håber, du vil lytte.

Oprindeligt skrevet af Uffe Høgh, Herlev-Bibliotekerne.

  • Ebog

Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race : The Sunday Times Bestseller

Af Reni Eddo-Lodge (2017)
Summary: 'Every voice raised against racism chips away at its power. We can't afford to stay silent. This book is an attempt to speak' *Updated edition featuring a new afterword* The book that sparked a national conversation. Exploring everything from eradicated black history to the inextricable link between class and race, Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race is the essential handbook for anyone who wants to understand race relations in Britain today. THE NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS NON-FICTION NARRATIVE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2018 FOYLES NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR BLACKWELL'S NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR WINNER OF THE JHALAK PRIZE LONGLISTED FOR THE BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION LONGLISTED FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE SHORTLISTED FOR A BOOKS ARE MY BAG READERS AWARD
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White Fragility : Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism

Af Robin DiAngelo (2018)
Summary: The New York Times best-selling book exploring the counterproductive reactions white people have when their assumptions about race are challenged, and how these reactions maintain racial inequality. In this “vital, necessary, and beautiful book” (Michael Eric Dyson), antiracist educator Robin DiAngelo deftly illuminates the phenomenon of white fragility and “allows us to understand racism as a practice not restricted to ‘bad people’ (Claudia Rankine). Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and by behaviors including argumentation and silence. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium and prevent any meaningful cross-racial dialogue. In this in-depth exploration, DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively
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Mellem verden og mig

Ta-Nehisi Coates' brev til sin søn om at den amerikanske drøm ikke er en drøm, men et mareridt bygget på knækkede sorte kroppe
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Jeg ved hvorfor fuglen synger i sit bur : selvbiografi

Af Maya Angelou (2019)
En barndomsbeskrivelse om den afroamerikanske forfatter og borgerrettighedsaktivist Maya Angelous (1928-2014) ophold hos sin farmor i en lille sydstatsby gennem 5 år. Beskriver miljøet, farmorens store personlighed og raceproblemerne i USA's sydstater i 1930'erne
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Barracoon : The Story of the Last Slave

Summary: Abducted from Africa, sold in America. "A deeply affecting record of an extraordinary life"- Daily Telegraph A major literary event: a newly published work from the author of the American classic Their Eyes Were Watching God, with a foreword from Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker. This account illuminates the horror and injustices of slavery as it tells the true story of one of the last-known survivors of the Atlantic slave trade. In 1927, Zora Neale Hurston went to Plateau, Alabama, just outside Mobile, to interview eighty-six-year-old Cudjo Lewis, who was abducted from Africa on the last "Black Cargo" ship to arrive in the United States. Of the millions of men, women, and children transported from Africa to America as slaves, Cudjo was then the only person alive to tell the story of this integral part of the nation's history. Hurston was there to record Cudjo's firsthand account of the raid that led to his capture and bondage fifty years after the Atlantic slave trade was outlawed in the United States. In 1931, Hurston returned to Plateau, the African-centric community three miles from Mobile founded by Cudjo and other former slaves from his ship. Spending more than three months there, she talked in depth with Cudjo about the details of his life. During those weeks, the young writer and the elderly formerly enslaved man ate peaches and watermelon that grew in the backyard and talked about Cudjo's past—memories from his childhood in Africa, the horrors of being captured and held in a barracoon for selection by American slavers, the harrowing experience of the Middle Passage packed with more than 100 other souls aboard the Clotilda, and the years he spent in slavery until the end of the Civil War. Based on those interviews, featuring Cudjo's unique vernacular, and written from Hurston's perspective with the compassion and singular style that have made her one of the preeminent American authors of the twentieth-century, Barracoon masterfully illustrates the tragedy of slavery and of one life forever defined by it. Offering insight into the pernicious legacy that continues to haunt us all, black and white, this poignant and powerful work is an invaluable contribution to our shared history and culture
  • Ebog

Small Great Things : A Novel

Af Jodi Picoult (2016)
Summary: #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • With richly layered characters and a gripping moral dilemma that will lead readers to question everything they know about privilege, power, and race, Small Great Things is the stunning new page-turner from Jodi Picoult. SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE “Picoult offers a thought-provoking examination of racism in America today, both overt and subtle. Her many readers will find much to discuss in the pages of this topical, moving book.”— Booklist (starred review) Ruth Jefferson is a labor and delivery nurse at a Connecticut hospital with more than twenty years’ experience. During her shift, Ruth begins a routine checkup on a newborn, only to be told a few minutes later that she’s been reassigned to another patient. The parents are white supremacists and don’t want Ruth, who is African American, to touch their child. The hospital complies with their request, but the next day, the baby goes into cardiac distress while Ruth is alone in the nursery. Does she obey orders or does she intervene? Ruth hesitates before performing CPR and, as a result, is charged with a serious crime. Kennedy McQuarrie, a white public defender, takes her case but gives unexpected advice: Kennedy insists that mentioning race in the courtroom is not a winning strategy. Conflicted by Kennedy’s counsel, Ruth tries to keep life as normal as possible for her family—especially her teenage son—as the case becomes a media sensation. As the trial moves forward, Ruth and Kennedy must gain each other’s trust, and come to see that what they’ve been taught their whole lives about others—and themselves—might be wrong. With incredible empathy, intelligence, and candor, Jodi Picoult tackles race, privilege, prejudice, justice, and compassion—and doesn’t offer easy answers. Small Great Things is a remarkable achievement from a writer at the top of her game. Praise for Small Great Things “ Small Great Things is the most important novel Jodi Picoult has ever written. . . . It will challenge her readers . . . and expand our cultural conversation about race and prejudice.” — The Washington Post “A novel that puts its finger on the very pulse of the nation that we live in today . . . a fantastic read from beginning to end, as can always be expected from Picoult, this novel maintains a steady, page-turning pace that makes it hard for readers to put down.” — San Francisco Book Review
  • Bog

Emma Gad for hvide : en terapeutisk guidebog

Af Anna Neye (2021)
Med en satirisk indfaldsvinkel formidler forfatteren det kulturelle og historiske baggrundsstof, der skal få læseren til at forstå, hvorfor det fx ikke er i orden at tiltale et andet menneske med ordet "neger"
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Racisme : har vi lært af historien?

Indføring i begrebet racisme, hvor det stammer fra og hvad det har foranlediget. Sætter fokus på nogle af de værste hændelser, hvor racisme har været argument for grusomme handlinger. Hvorfor skete disse hændelser og hvad var den racistiske årsag bag?
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Racisme - i historisk perspektiv

Historisk gennemgang af racismens opståen og delvise afvikling fra middelalderen til i dag. Derudover er der fokus på den voldsomme racisme i Sydstaterne i USA fra 1800-tallet og frem til 1950'erne, racismen i nazitidens Tyskland og apartheidsystemet i Sydafrika
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Det sorte USA : fra Uafhængighedserklæringen til Barack Obama

Af Jørn Brøndal (2017)
Om den afroamerikanske befolknings historie: slaveriet og dets ophævelse, raceadskillelsen, borgerrettighedsbevægelsen i 1950'erne og 1960'erne, Barack Obamas vej til præsidentembedet og raceurolighederne, som bryder ud igen og igen
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Bare fordi at : sprog og forestillinger i udlændingedebatten

Kritisk dokumentation af den antimuslimske retorik og metaforik, som florerer blandt borgere og politikere i indvandrer- og integrationsdebatten i medierne og på Facebook
Jesper Wung-Sung: En anden gren : roman
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En anden gren : roman

Biografisk roman om mødet og forelskelsen imellem forfatterens kinesiske oldefar San Wung Sung og danske oldemor Ingeborg Danielsen
Morten Pape (f. 1986): Guds bedste børn : roman
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Guds bedste børn : roman

En ung mand bliver dræbt på Holmbladsgade på Amager af to andre unge. Nogen tror motivet er racistisk, andre at det er umotiveret vold. Men helt sikkert er det, at alle implicerede har et hårdt liv
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Drengene fra Nickel

Den unge Elwood Curtis havner i 1960'ernes raceopdelte Florida på en opdragelsesanstalt på grund af en bagatel. De sorte drenge bliver mishandlet på alle tænkelige og utænkelige måder fra morgen til aften, og kan man slippe derfra med livet i behold?
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The hate u give

Af Angie Thomas (2021)
Starr er vidne til, at hendes ubevæbnede ven, Khalil, bliver skudt og dræbt af en hvid politimand. Da nedskydningen kommer i medierne, bliver Starr nødt til at beslutte, om hun vil medvirke til, at betjenten, der gjorde det, bliver dømt
Hundredetusindvis af mennesker verden over samles til "Black Lives Matter"-demonstrationer
Hundredetusindvis af mennesker verden over samles til "Black Lives Matter"-demonstrationer
Af Anonym (ikke efterprøvet)